Weight Achievement & Intensive Treatment (Why WAIT)
Weight Achievement and Intensive Treatment (Why WAIT) is a 12-week multidisciplinary program for weight and intensive diabetes management designed by the Joslin Diabetes Center for application in real-world clinical practice. The program started in Sepetember 2005.
Participants in the Why WAIT program lost an average of 23.8 lbs (-9.7%) after 12 weeks, 20.1 lbs (-8.1%) after one year of follow up and continued to be statistically lower than baseline from the 2nd to the 5th years. After 5 years, the average weight loss was 16.2 lbs (-6.4%). Around 53% of participants maintained an average weight loss of 23 lbs (-9%) after 5 years.
In the short-term, after the 12-week program, the average weight decreased significantly from 238.6 to 216.9 lbs. Both percentage of body fat, total fat mass and fat free mass decreased significantly. However lean mass to fat mass ratio increased from 1.3 to 1.6 indicting reasonable preservation of the muscle mass, which accounted for only ~18% of the total weight loss. Waist circumference decreased significantly by an average of 3.7 inches with significant reduction in the waist to hip ratio indicating more loss from abdominal fat.
Copyright Why WAIT Program 2014